Sunday, June 14, 2009

Development Strategies

Development Strategies of Social Development Co-ordinating office of Meki (SDCOM)

increasing school enrolment rate
- improving the opportunities for income generating and self employment activities
- improving the general heath status and MCH practices
- improving access to quality services of potable water
- improving the agricultural inputs to insure productivity

Organizational Strategies

The people may have life and have it to the full (john 10:10), is the vision of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church of Meki Vicariate and its Secretariat office share this vision generally.

The mission of Meki Vicariate is to work towards realizing the vision of ''The fullness of Life''that would be practical through promoting ''The integral Human Development'' as a comprehensive mission of the organization.


- Announcing the word of God(Love)
- Dignity of the human person
- Creating options for the poorest of the poor
- Transparent and participatory Leadership
- Advocacy for social tolerance and lobbying

Monday, May 4, 2009

Meki Catholic Secretariat

History:- Meki apostolic vicariate is one of the ten dioceses of the Ethiopian Catholic Church. Its tertitory was part of the Apostolic Vicariate of Harar. The pastoral in charge were the follwing:
- Mar, 1980, Fr. John Bonzanino, IMC, Apostolic Administrator
- Dec, 1981 Abba Yohannes W/Giorgis (of Adigrat Eparchy) Apostolic Prefect
- Jan, 1992- Sep, 2002, Abune Yohannes W/Giorgis, Apostolic Vicar
- Oct, 2002- 9th of May,2003, Fr, John Monti, IMC, Provicar
- 10th of May, 2003, Abune Abrham Desta, Apostolic Vicar of Meki (the present)

the vicariate has structured Meki Catholic Secretariat (MCS) office in 1995 following the decentralization of the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat (ECS) office. The newly Structured MCS office developed a structure that held the Pastoral Coordinating Office of Meki (PACM) which is sited at Gighessa and the Social Development Coordinating Office of Meki (SDCOM), this is sited at Meki Town., as its two main branches. The former one is meant for the spiritual activities while the latter one is for the social and development activities. This was based on the underlining development philosophy that aimed at to holistically undertake the Integrated Human Development of the community found throughout the Vicariate boundary.

- Meki Vicariate is located between 4o10’N-9o00’N latitude and 38o20’E-44o35’E longitude in Oromiya National Regional State. The Vicariate Office is found at a distance of 130 kms south east of Addis Ababa in East Shoa Zone, Dugda Bora Woreda at Meki Town.

Coverage: - The working area of the Vicariate includes Bale, Arsi and part of East Shewa Zones of the Oromiya National Regional State and also few areas found around Wendogenet, Koshe and Alaba of the Southern Nations,Nationalities Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS). Its area coverage is estimated to be 156,600 sq. kms.

Population: - Human population of the Vicariate area has got densely populated in the mid and highland areas of Arsi and Bale Zones while it has got sparsely populated in the lowlands of all zones. The total estimated population is greater than 6 million.

Economy: - The local economy is mainly dependent on agriculture, which could be seen from the point of view of pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and crop husbandries.