Sunday, June 14, 2009

Development Strategies

Development Strategies of Social Development Co-ordinating office of Meki (SDCOM)

increasing school enrolment rate
- improving the opportunities for income generating and self employment activities
- improving the general heath status and MCH practices
- improving access to quality services of potable water
- improving the agricultural inputs to insure productivity

Organizational Strategies

The people may have life and have it to the full (john 10:10), is the vision of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church of Meki Vicariate and its Secretariat office share this vision generally.

The mission of Meki Vicariate is to work towards realizing the vision of ''The fullness of Life''that would be practical through promoting ''The integral Human Development'' as a comprehensive mission of the organization.


- Announcing the word of God(Love)
- Dignity of the human person
- Creating options for the poorest of the poor
- Transparent and participatory Leadership
- Advocacy for social tolerance and lobbying